Our latest commander in from the fields, Pointyheeler,
has requested aid in her ummmm, undergarment needs .....
a pointed bra you ask, dearest sistah ???
Well, please refer to your SoPH training manual,
chapter XIX, section 64:
Undergarments: A Sistah's Best Kept Secret
(weapon, that is, Ms. Pointy).
In the meantime, here are a number of models
the sistahs have developed over the years
as part of our finer line of defense against the Brotherhood.
I'm certain ONE of these will meet your more than
exacting standards of dress code......
Advisory: Please children, these are NOT toys
but true WEAPONS
of a military nature and should be treated with the respect
and care all firearms deserve.
has requested aid in her ummmm, undergarment needs .....
a pointed bra you ask, dearest sistah ???
Well, please refer to your SoPH training manual,
chapter XIX, section 64:
Undergarments: A Sistah's Best Kept Secret
(weapon, that is, Ms. Pointy).
In the meantime, here are a number of models
the sistahs have developed over the years
as part of our finer line of defense against the Brotherhood.
I'm certain ONE of these will meet your more than
exacting standards of dress code......
Advisory: Please children, these are NOT toys
but true WEAPONS
of a military nature and should be treated with the respect
and care all firearms deserve.

and no standard issue bra is available, Sistah -
use whatever is at hand to defend those bosoms, dear !!
It never ceases to amaze me, the bra-very of our women in the field. I am off to purchase a weapon of choice (again).
Ya know what I miss?
I miss panty-lines!
I ain't seen a panty line since i don't know when.
I crawl on my belly just to see a panty-line.
Its got me feelin' a little Besmirched.
Yeah, Besmirched, thats it.
I know where theres a whole pusse' of panty lines....
Is there room for a sistah of a slightly less pointier than average heel - I'm thinking 40s style here...?
do you have something with a bushy tail?
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